Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Wintry moments melted with sunshine

Inari sushi and plum onigiri

A friend mentioned recently how my blog posts have been getting boring. That "the food is great, but who the f*** cares about the Olympic torch?!" With everything going on and decisions to be made, it's hard to focus on something as trivial as a low-traffic blog like mine. Hence I digress with pictures of a sunny afternoon picnic at Washington Square Park:

Leo with his dad

Is that the typical North Beach b***t remains I smell?

Sweetest married couple ever

He doesn't mind me after all!

Leo resting

Treats for the picnic

From left, chocolate-filled marshmallows, Bourbon raisin sand, Bourbon baum roll, green tea chocolate cookies & green tea hard candy

Heart-warming moment of the day: little tot laughing after tumbling on the grass in attempt to kick a soccer ball


so much cake so little time said...

such a cute dog ;)

Danielle Bumblebee said...

yes he is.. n sadly not mine.. but
cute too..