Saturday, August 14, 2010

Everything. Just doubled

Yikes! I haven't blogged for 2 weeks now? What's up with that man.

If I were in school now, this wouldn't be happening. I even forgot our anniversary this year (sorry hon!). Major boo boo. I didn't believe it myself, when the bf gently reminded me after work one night, but had mere seconds to ponder the issue before I passed out in bed.

In my defense, we've been moving about a lot these past weeks. Casey and Merlin's wedding was a lovely event that took place in Jakarta. Congrats darlings! And last weekend was all lil sis + family time. I can't believe the lil un is off to college. They grow up so fast don't they? Next weekend is the littlest sis' birthday.

Can you see me running around in circles now?

I actually have a lot to announce, though most have to be kept on the down low *jittery with excitement* So for now, you'll just have to enjoy Casey and Merlin's wedding shots. They're super cute :) More deets here.

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